The Neptune Trident NP is a cutting-edge device designed to simplify and enhance the maintenance of reef aquariums. With the same precision and reliability as the original Trident, the Trident NP automates the testing of nitrate and phoshate, ensuring that your aquatic ecosystem remains balanced and thriving. With regular automated water testing, aquarium owners gather real-time data, allowing for quick adjustments and proactive management. The Trident NP takes the guesswork out of maintaining water quality with peace of mind and more time to enjoy the beauty of your underwater world.

One of the standout features of the Trident NP is its integration with the Apex Fusion system. This connectivity allows for seamless data access and remote monitoring, making it incredibly convenient for aquarium owners to keep track of their tank's health from anywhere in the world. The device's intuitive interface and easy setup mean that even those new to reef keeping can benefit from its advanced capabilities. With the Trident NP, maintaining optimal water chemistry becomes effortless, ensuring that your corals and marine life remain vibrant and healthy.

Using the Neptune Trident NP alongside the original Trident offers comprehensive monitoring of all critical reef aquarium parameters. While the original Trident excels at tracking calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium, the Trident NP expands this capability by adding automated testing of nitrate and phosphate. 

Apex Controller w/ Salinity Probe

Monitoring temperature, salinity, and pH is crucial for maintaining a healthy reef aquarium. Temperature stability is vital as even minor fluctuations can create deadly stress for fish and corals. Salinity must be kept within a narrow range to ensure the osmotic balance of marine life, preventing dehydration or overhydration. Proper pH levels are essential for biological processes and the overall health of the reef ecosystem, as deviations can impair coral growth and disrupt the balance of marine life.

  • Temperature
  • pH
  • Salinity

Apex Controller + Trident

Calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium are key elements that support the growth and stability of coral skeletons in a reef aquarium. Calcium is necessary for the calcification process, enabling corals to build their hard structures. Alkalinity acts as a buffer against pH changes, helping to maintain a stable environment conducive to coral growth. Magnesium is critical as it helps balance calcium and alkalinity levels, preventing precipitation and ensuring these elements remain available for coral use.

  • Temperature
  • pH
  • Salinity
  • Calcium
  • Alkalinity
  • Magnesium

Apex Controller + Trident + Trident NP

Nitrate and phosphate levels should be closely monitored to prevent algae overgrowth and maintain water quality in a reef aquarium. Elevated nitrate levels can lead to algal blooms, which compete with corals for light and nutrients, while high phosphate levels can inhibit coral calcification. Keeping these parameters in check helps maintain a clean, healthy environment where corals and other marine life can thrive.

  • Nitrate
  • Phosphate
  • Calcium
  • Alkalinity
  • Magnesium
  • Temperature
  • pH
  • Salinity

Which Trident Is Right For You?

  Trident Trident NP
Tests Alkalinity ✔  
Tests Calcium ✔  
Test Magnesium ✔  
Tests Nitrates   ✔
Tests Phosphates   ✔
Compatible with Apex A2 ✔ ✔
Compatible with Apex A3 (models) ✔ ✔
2 Month Reagent Packs ✔ ✔
6 Month Reagent Packs ✔ Coming Soon
Automated Dosing Control with DOS and DOS QD ✔ Coming Soon