
This Or That

  1. Reef Ready or All-In-One Tank | What's The Best Choice?

    Reef Ready or All-In-One Tank | What's The Best Choice?

    Choosing the right aquarium setup is a crucial first step in creating a thriving marine environment, and two of the most popular options for saltwater enthusiasts are reef-ready aquariums and...
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  2. Automated or Old School - What’s BEST for Your Reef Tank?

    Automated or Old School - What’s BEST for Your Reef Tank?

    BRStv hosts, Jason, Josh and Brian discuss aquarium automation and share their personal experiences using technology in their aquariums. While automation can save you time and help you maintain a...
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  3. What Is The Best Size Saltwater Aquarium? Go Big or Go Home?

    What Is The Best Size Saltwater Aquarium? Go Big or Go Home?

    Jason, Josh, and Brian sit down to discuss the important factors that you need to consider when choosing the right size saltwater aquarium.  Are nano tanks easier? Is it a go big or go home...
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