

  1. How To Care For Percula Clownfish

    How To Care For Percula Clownfish

    The Percula Clownfish, with its vibrant orange and white stripes, is not only an iconic marine species but also a hardy favorite among aquarium owners. Known for its fascinating symbiotic...
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  2. How To Care For Ocellaris Clownfish

    How To Care For Ocellaris Clownfish

    Did you know there are 28 recognized species of clownfish (Amphiprioninae)? Within that clownfish sub-family, 6 unique complexes group the various species based on similar traits. The 6 groups of...
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  3. Orange Skunk Clownfish | Care Guide

    Orange Skunk Clownfish | Care Guide

    The Skunk Clownfish (Amphiprion akallopisos) is a peaceful and hardy species known for its distinctive orange body with a single white stripe running along its dorsal ridge. Native to the reefs of...
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