That Reef Show Ep 4: All About RO/DI and the AquaMaxx Q2 Protein Skimmer!
Today Matthew gives you the rundown on all things RO/DI, shows you how to upgrade your water filtration system, and talks about his experience with the AquaMaxx ConeS Q2 Protein Skimmer.
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Product Spotlight: AquaMaxx ConeS Q-2 Protein Skimmer - 0:00:20
AquaMaxx ConeS Q-2 Protein Skimmer: https://bit.ly/ConeSQ2
AquaMaxx Skimmers: https://bit.ly/AquaMaxxSkimmers
All Protein Skimmers: https://bit.ly/ProteinSkimmers
Word of the Week: RO/DI Filtration - 0:08:29
Reefurbish - 0:15:41
Shop RO/DI Units: https://mdshop.us/RODISystems
Find Upgrades: https://mdshop.us/RODIUpgrades
Find Spare Cannisters: https://mdshop.us/RODICannisters
Find RODI Tubing: https://mdshop.us/RODITubing
Find All Reverse Osmosis: https://mdshop.us/ReverseOsmosisDI
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