Royal Exclusiv Dreambox Water Tank
  1. 5 gallon Dreambox Water Tank
    Royal Exclusiv
    5 gallon Dreambox Water Tank
    $152.00 $379.99

  2. 10 gallon Dreambox Water Tank
    Royal Exclusiv
    10 gallon Dreambox Water Tank
    $184.00 $459.99

  3. 19 gallon Dreambox Water Tank
    Royal Exclusiv
    19 gallon Dreambox Water Tank
    $260.00 $649.99

  4. 25 gallon Dreambox Water Tank
    Royal Exclusiv
    25 gallon Dreambox Water Tank
    $584.99 $649.99

It is no secret, Royal Exclsuv often defines what it looks like to be the best. From their skimmers and pumps down to their dosing reservoirs and sumps, everything is built with the utmost attention to detail and quality. The Dreambox Water Tanks are no different and will provide the user with an experience like no other freshwater reservoir or mixing container on the market.

Royal Exclusiv Dreambox Water Tank

The Dreambox Water Tanks are simple in concept yet sophisticated and clever by design. They are simple rectangular boxes designed to hold either freshwater for your ATO or Saltwater for water changes. What makes these special is both the quality of construction and the little details that make a BIG difference in application.

In true Royal Exclusiv style, the reservoirs are made from sturdy PVC and Plexiglass with welded seams for leak-free performance. They are available in four sizes, 5, 10, 19, and 25 gallons sizes. Each one is LED lit with a waterproof, color-changing, remote-controlled LED strip with no other function outside of creating ambiance and being super cool and unique. The front clear panel is marked in increments of 5 liters to gauge water level and the tight-fitting PVC lid sits flush with no risk of bumping it out of place.

Royal Exclusiv Dreambox Water Tank Plumbing

There are several ports or access points on top of the reservoir that expand the usability of the container around your tank. These three ports allow for a multitude of configurations including a basic ATO reservoir with pump, a recirculating mixing chamber for saltwater, or an auto water change reservoir capable of both mixing saltwater and sending water to your tank using a single pump. 

  • 1/2" union for attaching PVC
  • Plug Port with sealing cap for ATO pump
  • Return pipe port for recirculating / mixing saltwater

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