
MACNA Speakers

BRStv works in conjunction with MASNA, the creators of the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America, to record the keynote and supporting speakers at the MACNA conference each year. You will find valuable presentations from prominent marine researchers, business owners, and experienced saltwater aquarium professionals on a variety of topics related to saltwater and reef aquariums.
  1. Dr. Tim Hovanec: How to harness bacteria to cycle your saltwater tank quickly! | MACNA 2019

    Dr. Tim Hovanec: How to harness bacteria to cycle your saltwater tank quickly! | MACNA 2019

    Dr. Timothy Hovanec is the founder and CEO of Dr. Tim’s Aquatics and delivers a detailed presentation about the role of bacteria in your aquarium, specifically during your tank’s cycle.
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  2. Kathy Leahy : Breeding saltwater fish in your home CAN be done. Here's how I do it. | MACNA 2019

    Kathy Leahy : Breeding saltwater fish in your home CAN be done. Here's how I do it. | MACNA 2019

    Kathy is known for producing the first captive-bred Coral Beauty Dwarf Angelfish and delivers some valuable advice for hobbyists looking to propagate saltwater fish at home.
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  3. Dr. Paul Anderson : Empowering sustainable development of the marine aquarium industry | MACNA 2019

    Dr. Paul Anderson : Empowering sustainable development of the marine aquarium industry | MACNA 2019

    Dr. Paul Anderson discuss his efforts in creating a sustainable ornamental marine aquarium fisheries trade worldwide through his work with the Coral Reef Aquarium Fisheries Campaign.
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  4. Dr. Craig Bingman: A bit of chemistry, coral calcification and some reefkeeping history | MACNA 2019

    Dr. Craig Bingman: A bit of chemistry, coral calcification and some reefkeeping history | MACNA 2019

    Our understanding of the chemical processes that happen inside a reef aquarium would not be what it is today without the work of Dr. Craig Bingman. His MACNA 2019 presentation is an autobiographical...
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  5. Dr. Ben Titus : Are we keeping cryptic undescribed species in our saltwater tanks? | MACNA 2019

    Dr. Ben Titus : Are we keeping cryptic undescribed species in our saltwater tanks? | MACNA 2019

    Dr. Ben Titus talks about some of the undiscovered species of marine animals that could be lurking in our reef tanks.
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  6. Todd Gardner: How the reefing hobby's innovations drive marine aquaculture. | MACNA 2019

    Todd Gardner: How the reefing hobby's innovations drive marine aquaculture. | MACNA 2019

    Todd takes us through his life work and experiences in aquaculture and shares an interesting perspective about how the necessity for captive-bred marine ornamentals is shaping scientific marine...
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  7. Dr. Chad Callan: Using captive bred aquacultured to reduce pressure on the wild. | MACNA 2019

    Dr. Chad Callan: Using captive bred aquacultured to reduce pressure on the wild. | MACNA 2019

    Dr. Chatham gives us a an overview of the groundbreaking work in the field of aquaculture that creates a more optimistic outlook for the future of the aquarium livestock industry. \n
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  8. Dr. Andrew Rhyne: Will Cyanide detection tests lead to more informed fish purchases?  | MACNA 2019

    Dr. Andrew Rhyne: Will Cyanide detection tests lead to more informed fish purchases? | MACNA 2019

    Dr. Ryhne deliveries an enlighting lecture about his work detecting cyanide in wild-collected fish for the aquarium trade in an attempt to curb this harmful and environmentally destructive method of...
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