

  1. You're Using The Wrong Test Kit: Why Aqua Medic's Marine Lab Is Better Than ICP For Many Hobbyists

    You're Using The Wrong Test Kit: Why Aqua Medic's Marine Lab Is Better Than ICP For Many Hobbyists

    Mail-in water testing is becoming the future of monitoring both major, minor and trace elements in our reef tanks alongside some of the critical parameters we utilize to gauge the health of our...
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  2. Mail-In and ICP Aquarium Water Testing: Which Service is Right for You?

    Mail-In and ICP Aquarium Water Testing: Which Service is Right for You?

    Reef aquarists have always been concerned with water quality. At first, testing was limited to basic water parameters like nitrate, phosphate and calcium. More advanced test kits were developed for...
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  3. API Saltwater and Reef Master Test Kits: What YOU Need to Know

    API Saltwater and Reef Master Test Kits: What YOU Need to Know

    https://mdshop.us/apitests Each manufacturing run of the liquid reagents, dropper tips and color comparison cards are tested to assure quality and accuracy. In addition to a full line of single...
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  4. ATI Essentials

    ATI Essentials

    https://mdshop.us/ATILab ATI has formulated a unique system of reef aquarium supplements, designed to simplify dosing and maintain the proper balance of essential elements. The system features three...
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