
dry live rock

  1. What The Heck Is Live

    What The Heck Is Live

    This week, Matthew covers the first in a 2-part series on Reef Rock. What is it made of? What is its function? Can I plop any rock from my yard into my reef tank? So many questions and so many...
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  2. How to Cure Rock for Your Reef

    How to Cure Rock for Your Reef

    In the early days of reef keeping live rock was harvested from unprotected reefs, shipped by air and then trucked to your home. It was exciting because you never knew what marine life would pop out...
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  3. 2 New Live Rock Alternatives To Consider For Your Aquascape: CaribSea's Life Rock Shapes and Two Little Fishies' STAX Rock

    2 New Live Rock Alternatives To Consider For Your Aquascape: CaribSea's Life Rock Shapes and Two Little Fishies' STAX Rock

    News of Fiji's ban on exportation of corals and live rock came as a surprise to aquarium industry experts both in Fiji and around the world. Fisheries Minister Semi Koroilavesau said the ban is aimed...
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  4. We Built a Reef Aquarium For Only $275. Here's How We Did It!

    We Built a Reef Aquarium For Only $275. Here's How We Did It!

      Keeping a Reef tank is downright expensive no matter which way you look at it. We have received a few requests from our viewers to do a video on how to build a reef tank on a budget so we...
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  5. Drop-Off Tank Build - Episode 2: Sump Install + Which Rock Should We Use?

    Drop-Off Tank Build - Episode 2: Sump Install + Which Rock Should We Use?

      In our last episode, we asked you guys which sump we should use to upgrade the standard glass sump that comes with the tank.  The results were pretty clear and we will be using the MD...
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  6. Tips & Tricks for Creating an Amazing Aquascape in your Aquarium

    Tips & Tricks for Creating an Amazing Aquascape in your Aquarium

    https://mdshop.us/2aFNPSj Aquascaping is the art of creating a layout inside your aquarium that is attractive and functional. When looking at some of the most impressive reef tanks around the world,...
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  7. The Best Ways to Cycle Your Reef Aquarium

    The Best Ways to Cycle Your Reef Aquarium

    https://goo.gl/oJTEGw Whether you add too many fish at once, fail to cure your live rock or simply do not wait long enough before adding animals to the tank—each of these seemingly...
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